Abastecimientos S.A.

Information about the Abastecimientos S.A. instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Sale Delivery by Dates
odoo app will create different delivery order for sale order based on given delivery date on sale order line, sale delivery by date,Sale Delivery Schedule, sale based on delivery date, sale different delivery,delivery by dates
From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Email Marketing
Design, send and track emails
Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Centralize employee information
Proveedor EDI (UY) Biller
Uruguay - Localización Extendida
Facturación electrónica de Uruguay
Stock landed cost valuation summary
ORM Extra Features
Product Landed Cost Preload
Stock landed cost incoterm alicuot
Stock landed cost valuation summary
Stock landed costs Multicurrency
Stock valuation currency
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
Employee Contracts

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Proveedor EDI (UY) Biller
Uruguay - Localización Extendida
Facturación electrónica de Uruguay
Mastercore L10N Custom - L10n Latam Check type
The l10n_latam_check_type module enhances the Odoo localization for Argentina by introducing support for different check types specific to the region. It allows businesses to manage and process various types of checks, ensuring compliance with local financial regulations.
Uruguay - Arbitraje internacional BCU
Actualización de Arbitraje internacional BCU
Accounting Reports Customized for Argentina
Listado de Bancos Argentinos
Argentinian Currency Rate Update
Argentinean Electronic Invoicing
Argentinian Electronic Invoicing UX
Remitos, COT y demas ajustes de stock para Argentina
Argentinian Accounting UX
LATAM Localization Base
LATAM Identification Types
Argentina - Accounting
Tax Settlements For Argentina
HotFix with Withholding on Payment ARBA TXT report
Automatic Argentinian Withholdings on Payments
HotFix with compute ImpTrib amounts to Electronic Invoice validation
Argentinean Accounting Reports
Reporting for Argentinean Localization
Account Automatic Transfers Demo Data
Generic - Accounting
Accounting Sequence - Latam Documents
Third Party and Deferred/Electronic Checks Management
Checks Management
l10n latam check details
Foreign Currency
LATAM Document
LATAM Document Types
Uruguay - Accounting