Industrial cleaning and disinfection - Conference with GHT

Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay

Last week we had the pleasure of receiving GHT Intelligent Cleaning in Uruguay. Together with Matías Rodríguez and Mauro, we had a great week of visits and a training day on industrial cleaning and disinfection, in collaboration with AUTEL (Uruguayan Association of Dairy Technicians). 

The training day with practical demonstration was held on Tuesday, August 29 at 5:00 p.m. at the Nueva Helvecia Dairy School, Colonia, Uruguay. The event was broadcast live and you can see it here.

GHT Intelligent Cleaning is a team of engineers dedicated to optimizing cleaning and disinfection processes in the food and beverage industry. With extensive experience and a focus on efficiency, GHT manufactures equipment in Argentina and represents world-class brands. 

Its goal is to offer solutions that improve the efficiency of human resources, water and energy consumption, and the use of cleaning chemicals.

Together with GHT, it is possible to achieve effective cleaning, improve processes and save valuable resources. During the event, the participants had the opportunity to discover how they can save up to 30% in cleaning time, reduce energy and water consumption by 70%, while maintaining a minimum level of maintenance.

Each industry sector has its own needs and challenges, therefore, the participants were able to learn about solutions adapted to each of them.

Abastecimientos and GHT visited the facilities of various refrigerators and dairy plants where practical demonstrations were carried out and it was possible to see first-hand the needs of each place and thus recommend the best possible cleaning solution with the aim of saving large amounts of water, energy and work hours.

About the solutions:

- Low pressure equipment such as diluters, dispensers, nebulization and foam and spray application, ideal for the food and beverage industry, water treatment and laundries.

- Medium pressure equipment with mobile, fixed and automatic systems that foam, disinfect and rinse at the optimum pressure for the food industry.

- Fixed and mobile high pressure washers, and kits for special cleaning and dosing applications adaptable to any pressure washer.

- Washing and disinfection booths on food surfaces (Half carcasses, cuts) and surfaces in contact. They allow the disinfection of surfaces in an automatic, controlled and standardized way, ensuring the repeatability of the process.

Thank you to all the participants and customers for having us at your industrial plants!

Visits to dairy and ice cream companies with Flavio from Doremus
Villa María, Argentina